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2025 Weekly Legislative Session Update


March 10, 2025

2025 Weekly Legislative Session Update

It is my distinct honor and pleasure to write on this day to those who, quite literally, Build America and the American Dream.  Nothing is more sacred than our nation’s laws; laws which must protect those whose aim is to honorably build that American Dream.  Last week concluded the first full week of Florida’s 2025 legislative session, and what a busy week it was.  FHBA and its Government Affairs Committee is monitoring over 100 topics, both legislative and regulatory.   Many bills affecting our industry already have both a Senate and House Sponsor.  Some have only one.  Other concepts are still searching for sponsors, but as each day passes, the opportunity for new bills will draw to a close, as there will be insufficient time for newer bills to make it through required committees.  Most bills will change from their current form (some substantially) before they make it across the finish line, and some will be defeated,  all thanks to the efforts of FHBA’s Government Affairs Committee, those of you who support its efforts, and FHBA’s tremendous lobbyists.

As the old saying goes, there are two things most people never want to see made:  laws and sausages.  As a German I disagree with the latter.  As the CEO of a professional services conglomerate that exclusively protects the construction and development industry, a life-long political junkie, and more importantly, as your FHBA Government Affairs Vice Chair, I am afraid I also must disagree with the former.  I love being a part of shaping the law and regulation that positively impacts the construction and development industry.

Each week you will receive a short update from me, and for those who desire more detail, you may view the Bill Tracker, which will also be updated weekly.  Your input and engagement is critical.  As Vice Chair I am here to serve you, so please view me both as a resource and as an advocacy messenger.  Telephone or email me any time.

In closing, I wish to express my gratitude to Kim Nedeau, Vice President of Purchasing (Florida Region), for Mattamy Homes.  She has been a tireless supporter of my efforts and those of our industry.

I look forward to helping and hearing from you.

Justin R. Zinzow, CEO

Zinzow Law, LLC

ZinDocs, LLC

(727) 787-3121

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